Христофор колумб на английском языке. Биография христофора колумба на английском языке

Биография Христофора Колумба на английском языке поможет узнать о жизни и путешествиях мореплавателях.

Христофор Колумб биография на английском языке

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. His career in exploration started when he was very young. As a teenager he traveled the seas and eventually made Portugal his base. Columbus came to believe that the East Indies (present-day Indonesia and surrounding islands) could be reached by sailing west through the Atlantic Ocean. He appealed to the kings of Portugal, France, and England to finance a westward trip to the Indies, but all denied his request. After ten years of monumental efforts but fruitless results, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus in the hopes of acquiring great wealth. On August 3, 1492, Columbus, crew, and three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, left Palos, Spain, and headed westward.

Land Sighted!
After stopping in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, Columbus’s ships hit the open seas. Covering about 150 miles a day, the trip was long and arduous. The crew was afraid of sea monsters and grew more restless every day that land was not sighted. Columbus offered a reward for the first person to sight land. On October 12, a crew member aboard the Pinta sighted one of the Bahama Islands. Columbus set foot on what he believed was one of the Spice Islands, a group of islands in Asia (now known as Indonesia), where valuable spices and riches came from. He named the land San Salvador. Columbus failed to find the riches he expected and continued to search for China. He next visited Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He encountered native peoples who he named “Indians” because he believed they were inhabitants of the Indies.

I Did Find a Shortcut to the Indies!
Columbus returned to Spain a hero. He was named Viceroy of the Indies. He soon returned to the New World but never found the riches he expected. Some began to believe that Columbus had found “a new world” rather than a shortcut to the Indies.

Христофор Колумб родился между 26 августа и 31 октября 1451 года на острове Корсика в Генуэзской республике. Образование будущий открыватель получил в Павийском университете.

Краткая биография Колумба не сохранила точных свидетельств о его первых плаваниях, однако известно, что в 1470-х годах он совершал морские экспедиции с торговыми целями. Уже тогда у Колумба возникла идея путешествия в Индию через запад. Мореплаватель много раз обращался к правителям европейских стран с просьбой помочь ему организовать экспедицию – к королю Жуану ІІ, герцогу Медина-Сели, королю Генриху VII и другим. Лишь в 1492 году путешествие Колумба было одобрено испанскими правителями, прежде всего, королевой Изабеллой. Ему был присвоен титул «дона», обещаны вознаграждения в случае удачного проведения проекта.

Четыре экспедиции. Открытие Америки

В 1492 году было совершено первое плавание Колумба. Во время путешествия мореплавателем были открыты Багамские острова, Гаити, Куба, хотя сам он считал эти земли «Западной Индией».

Во время второй экспедиции помощников Колумба были такие известные личности как будущий завоеватель Кубы Диего Веласкес де Куэльяр, нотариус Родриго де Бастидас, первопроходец Хуан де ла Коса. Тогда открытия мореплавателя включали Виргинские, Малые Антильские острова, Ямайку, Пуэрто-Рико.

Третья экспедиция Христофора Колумба была совершена в 1498 году. Главным открытием мореплавателя был остров Тринидад. Однако в это же время Васко да Гама нашел настоящий путь в Индию, поэтому Колумб был объявлен обманщиком и отправлен под конвоем из Эспаньолы в Испанию. Тем не менее, по его прибытию местным финансистам удалось уговорить короля Фердинанда II снять обвинения.

Колумба не покидала надежда открыть новый краткий путь к Южной Азии. В 1502 году мореплаватель смог добиться разрешения короля на четвертое путешествие. Колумб достиг берега Центральной Америки, доказав, что между Атлантическим океаном и Южным морем лежит материк.

Последние годы

Во время последнего путешествия Колумб тяжело заболел. По возвращению в Испанию ему не удалось восстановить дарованные ему привилегии и права. Умер Христофор Колумб 20 мая 1506 года в Севилье в Испании. Мореплаватель был сначала похоронен в Севилье, однако в 1540 году, по приказу императора Карла V останки Колумба были перевезены на остров Эспаньола (Гаити), а в 1899 году снова в Севилью.

Другие варианты биографии

  • Историкам до сих пор не известна подлинная биография Христофора Колумба – фактических материалов о его судьбе и экспедициях так мало, что биографы мореплавателя вносят в его жизнеописание множество выдуманных утверждений.
  • Вернувшись в Испанию после второй экспедиции, Колумб предложил селить на недавно открытые земли преступников.
  • Предсмертными словами Колумба были: «In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum» («В твои руки, Господи, я вручаю мой дух»).
  • Значение открытий мореплавателя было признано только в середине XVI века.

Тест по биографии

Биография запонится лучше, если попытаетесь ответить на вопросы теста.

Christopher Columbus was the person who discovered America in 1492.

He was the son of a poor Italian weaver. From his early childhood Columbus was interested in big ships. One day he went off to sea and then made lots of voyages. The seamen of that time didn’t sail far as they knew little of the Atlantic Ocean and didn’t know what was in it or beyond it. When the astronomers declared that the earth was round, Columbus wanted to check it and reach India by sailing to the West.

Being interested in shorter trade routes to India, the Spanish Government gave Columbus three small ships and less than a hundred men so that he could try to carry out his voyage. In 1492 Columbus left Spain on this great expedition. As they sailed West they reached the Canary Islands and the next day they saw land, which was given the name of San Salvador. However, Columbus had no idea that he had discovered a new continent; he thought it was an unknown part of India. He came back to Spain in triumph.

Some time later a man named Amerigo Vespucci explored the same coast as Columbus and found that it wasn’t the coast of India. He said it was a New World. For a long time the land had no special name. Only in 1506, the year of Christopher Columbus’s death, it was named America after Amerigo. However, Columbus was the true discoverer of the continent.

European people came to the New World for various reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among all, there was a small group of English people called Pilgrims who wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. In 1620 on the ship “Mayflower” they landed in the north-east of America, set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Христофор Колумб – человек, открывший Америку в 1492.

Он был сыном бедного итальянского ткача. С раннего детства Колумб интересовался большими кораблями. Однажды он отправился в море, и затем совершил много путешествий. Моряки того времени не плавали далеко, так как они мало знали об Атлантическом океане и не знали, что в нем и за его пределами. Когда астрономы объявили, что земля круглая, Колумб захотел это проверить и достичь Индии, плывя на запад.

Будучи заинтересованным в более коротких торговых маршрутах в Индию, испанское правительство выделило Колумбу три маленьких корабля и меньше сотни человек для его путешествия. В 1492 Колумб покинул Испанию и отправился в свою экспедицию. Плывя на запад, они достигли Канарских островов, а на следующий день увидели землю, которой дали имя Сан Сальвадор. Однако Колумб не знал, что он открыл новый континент; он думал, что это неизвестная часть Индии. Он с триумфом вернулся в Испанию.

Некоторое время спустя человек по имени Америго Веспуччи исследовал тот же берег, что и Колумб и открыл, что это не был берег Индии. Он сказал, что это Новая Земля. Долгое время у земли не было названия. Только в 1506, год смерти Христофора Колумба, ее назвали Америка в честь Америго. Однако именно Колумб был первооткрывателем континента.

Европейцы приходили на Новую Землю по разным причинам. Некоторые надеялись найти золото и серебро. Священники и миссионеры приходили, чтобы принести христианскую религию индейцам. Среди всех остальных, была маленькая группа англичан, называемых пилигримами, желавших начать новую жизнь без религиозных проблем, которые у них были в Англии. В 1620 они сошли на берег с корабля “Мэйфлауэр” на северо-востоке Америки, основали колонию и назвали эту часть страны “Новая Англия”.

(4 оценок, среднее: 4.25 из 5)

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1. Christopher Columbus wasn"t his real name . Other languages have changed his name, too: he is Cristóbal Colón in Spanish and Kristoffer Kolumbus in Swedish, for example. Even his Genoese name is not certain, as historical documents about his origin are scarce. Christopher Columbus is an Anglicization of his real name, given to him in Genoa where he was born: Cristoforo Colombo.

2. He was a dedicated slave trader . Since his voyages were primarily economic in nature, Columbus was expected to find something valuable on his travels. Columbus was disappointed to find that the lands he discovered were not full of gold, silver, pearls and other treasures, but he soon decided that the natives themselves could be a valuable resource. He brought several of them back after his first voyage, and even more after his second voyage. He was devastated when Queen Isabela decided that the New World natives were her subjects, and therefore could not be enslaved. Of course, during the colonial era, the natives would be enslaved by the Spanish in all but name.

3. Half of his voyages ended in disaster . On Columbus’ famed 1492 voyage, his flagship the Santa Maria ran aground and sank, causing him to leave 39 men behind at a settlement named La Navidad. He was supposed to return to Spain loaded with spices and other valuable goods and knowledge of an important new trade route. Instead, he returned empty-handed and without the best of the three ships entrusted to him. On his fourth voyage, his ship rotted out from under him and he spent a year with his men marooned on Jamaica.

4. He was greedy and didn"t like spending money . On his famous 1492 voyage, Columbus had promised a reward of gold to whoever saw land first. A sailor named Rodrigo de Triana was the first to see land on October 12, 1492: a small island in the present-day Bahamas Columbus named San Salvador. Poor Rodrigo never got the reward however: Columbus kept it for himself, telling everyone he had seen a hazy sort of light the night before. He had not spoken up because the light was indistinct. Rodrigo may have gotten hosed, but there is a nice statue of him sighting land in a park in Seville.

5. He was a great captain, but a terrible governor . Grateful for the new lands he had found for them, the King and Queen of Spain made Columbus governor in the newly-established settlement of Santo Domingo. Columbus, who was a fine explorer, turned out to be a lousy governor. He and his brothers ruled the settlement like kings, taking most of the profits for themselves and antagonizing the other settlers. It got so bad that the Spanish crown sent a new governor and Columbus was arrested and sent back to Spain in chains.

6. He was a very religious man . Columbus was a very religious man who believed that God had singled him out for his voyages of discovery. Many of the names he gave to islands and lands he discovered were religious ones. Later in life, he took to wearing a plain Franciscan habit everywhere he went, looking much more like a monk than a wealthy admiral (which he was). At one time during his third voyage, when he saw the Orinoco River empty out into the Atlantic Ocean off of northern South America, he became convinced he had found the Garden of Eden.

7. He almost missed his historic journey . Columbus became convinced of the possibility of reaching Asia by traveling west, but getting the funding to go was hard sell in Europe. He tried to get support from many sources, including the King of Portugal, but most European rulers thought he was a crackpot and didn’t pay much attention to him. He hung around the Spanish court for years, hoping to convince Ferdinand and Isabella to finance his journey. In fact, he had just given up and was headed to France in 1492 when he got the news that his voyage had finally been approved.

8. He never believed he had found a new world . Columbus was looking for a new passage to Asia... and that’s just what he found, or so he said until his dying day. In spite of mounting facts that seemed to indicate that he had discovered lands previously unknown, he continued to believe that Japan, China and the court of the Great Khan were very close to the lands he had discovered. He even proposed a ridiculous theory: that the Earth was shaped like a pear, and that he had not found Asia because of the part of the pear that bulges out towards the stem. By the end of his life, he was a laughingstock in Europe because of his stubborn refusal to accept the obvious.

9. Columbus made first contact with one of the major New World civilizations . While exploring the coast of Central America, Columbus came upon a long dugout trading vessel whose occupants had weapons and tools made of copper and flint, textiles and a beer-like fermented beverage. It is believed that the traders were from one of the Mayan cultures of northern Central America. Interestingly, Columbus decided not to investigate further and turned south instead of north along Central America.

10. No one knows for sure where his remains are . Columbus died in Spain in 1506, and his remains were kept there for a while before being sent to Santo Domingo in 1537. There they remained until 1795, when they were sent to Havana and in 1898 they supposedly went back to Spain. In 1877, however, a box full of bones bearing his name was found in Santo Domingo. Since then, two cities - Seville, Spain and Santo Domingo - claim to have his remains. In each city, the bones in question are housed in elaborate mausoleums. (с)
